アーティスト。1998 年神奈川県横浜市生まれ。
東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科デザイン専攻オルタナティブ研究室修了。2020 年に表参道ヒルズ同
潤館Galerie412 にて初個展。その後も定期的に個展を開催。グループ展多数出展。2021 年Heart
Art in TOKYO 2021 優秀賞受賞。2022 年Heart Art in KYOTO 2022 京都市教育長賞受賞。2023 年TuneCoreJapan によるIndependent AF に修了制作” しあわせWORLD” のMusic Video が選出され、渋谷街頭ビジョンにて放映されました。
Artist. Born in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1998. Graduated from the Alternative Design Lab at the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. In 2020, he held his first solo exhibition at Galerie 412, Dojunkan, Omotesando Hills. He has held solo exhibitions regularly since then. He has also participated in numerous group exhibitions. In 2021, he won the Excellence Award at Heart Art in TOKYO 2021. In 2022, he won the Kyoto City Superintendent of Education Award at Heart Art in KYOTO 2022. In 2023, the music video for his graduation project “Happy World” was selected for Independent AF by TuneCoreJapan and aired on Shibuya Street Vision.
Her animal paintings are based on the theme of “the brilliance of life,” and her own experience of losing a beloved dog has inspired her to convey the preciousness of life and the importance of cherishing life in the present.
Her paintings, painted as proof that animals live in the present moment, have been preserved as a message of the brilliance of life, and are works that allow viewers to reaffirm the preciousness of life.
Her works evoke positive feelings and emotions, such as “wonderful,” “beautiful,” and “energizing,” and she continues to explore possibilities for expression that can empathize with people.

Solo Exhibitions
” Passion! ” / 日本橋N11 ギャラリー(東京)
” アイタイ ” / RA art galery ( 神奈川)
” ハレ=ケ ” / Galerie412(東京)
” しあわせWORLD ” / 日本橋N11 ギャラリー(東京)
” 共生 ” / Galerie412(東京)
” NAMI ” / 高槻阪急(大阪)
” EVE ” / Galerie412(東京)
” KAGAYAKI ” / AWAJI Cafe&Galery(東京)
” Michi ” / Galerie 412(東京)
” 動と静 ” / Galerie 412(東京)
Group Exhibitions
D-art,ART2023 / 大丸東京店(東京)
Heart Art in KYOTO 2022 / 京都市京セラ美術館(京都)
Independent Tokyo 2021 / 東京ポートシティ竹芝(東京)
Heart Art in TOKYO 2021 / 国立新美術館(東京)
2021 2022 Heart Art in TOKYO 2021 優秀賞受賞
Heart Art in KYOTO 2022 京都市教育長賞受賞
2023 Independent AF 選出
修了制作” しあわせWORLD” のMusic Video が渋谷街頭ビジョンにて放映(TuneCoreJapan)