【ももえ/MOMOE】Artist interview
INTERVIEW -アーティスト【ももえ/MOMOE】のこれまでと今の思い、これからの思いをインタビューさせて頂きました。
株式会社LWArt(ロアート)では、社名の由来であるLife With Artをテーマに様々なアーティストにインタビュー協力をして頂き作品に対する思いや、制作中の拘りを語っていただき、よりアートを身近に感じてほしい、関心を持ってほしいという思いの元インタビュー企画が始動しました。
そのインタビュー第一弾アーティストを先日の個展「表面張力」でもSold outした【ももえ/MOMOE】さんにインタビューさせて頂きました。
ジークレー作品は9/14 12:30~より先着販売となります。

昔から私の中に息づくキャラクターたちが、マテリアルに歩み寄っていく。(文:mitsuki oboro)
🟢What brought you to become an artist?
My friend invited me to participate in GEISAI#22 which I literally knew nothing about. So I didn’t even know Kaikaikiki was involved, Takashi Murakami was there as an organizer, or there would be awards at the show.
I was like, “Ahh I didn’t know there was awards”, “I hope I get one.” I remember being easy minded when I was talking about it with the guy at the next booth.
Then, I got the award.
I luckly had an opportunity to have my solo exhibition at Nakano Broadway after that. Being able to see the reactions and have conversation with visitors face to face made me realize “THIS IS FUN!!”, that I want to keep creating pieces like this for more and more, and I think this was my turning point.

🟢Any artist who inspired you?
The contemporary artist, “Shinrou Otake”. I visited his exhibition at MOMAT in 2022, and was amazed by his activities in very wide range of fields. With all the different things he does, yet his style is very consistent which viewers could definitely tell it’s Otake’s. This whole opportunity strongly inspired and motivated me to become an artist who can create one’s signature style.

🟢What do you think your “style” is?
Animated characters in general are very flat and 2 dimensional, so I portray them mainly in my works dragging their existence out by emphasizing colors, placing the knitting yarn or putting anything materially I’m interested, to attempt viewers put focus on where I want to highlight, saying “It’s right here”.
This is pretty much how I consume my creation and how my signature style stands.

🟢Facial expression on characters
Since I never really reflect my own emotions into artworks, those facial expressions are not mine.
If the character on my split-in-2 canvas work has a face screaming “Nooo, stop it”, then its storyline lays there is very understandable.
In order to help viewers understand why everything is there in the way it is, I’m choosing the best facial expression, composition and their gestures.

🟢Who would you like to enjoy your works?
I’d say I’m very happy with the International customers. The reason is the uniqueness that I think there is in my works, goes beyond language and culture, and somehow we end up sharing something together through art. So I would say, I am extremely honored and happy about that.

🟢About launching her 1st print work
This is going to be my first project launching Giclee print works.
Please stay tuned for futher announcement. Thank you so much.