【Yuta Okuda】Artist interview

【Yuta Okuda】Artist interview


アーティスト【Yuta Okuda】のこれまでと今の思い、これからの思いをインタビューさせて頂きました。

株式会社LWArt(ロアート)では、社名の由来であるLife With Artをテーマに様々なアーティストにインタビュー協力をして頂き作品に対する思いや、制作中の拘りを語っていただき、よりアートを身近に感じてほしい、関心を持ってほしいという思いの元インタビュー企画が始動しました。

そのインタビュー第6弾アーティストとしてアーティスト活動だけにとどまることなく、広告、パッケージ、エディトリアルなどのデザインやファッションブランドとのコラボレーションなど多岐にわたり、数々の実績のある【Yuta Okuda】さんにインタビューさせて頂きました。

Yuta Okuda


🟢What has been your influences?

高校生ぐらいの時に影響を受けたのはAlexander Mcqueenというファッションデザイナーなんですけど、彼のスカルのモチーフはそんなに好きじゃなかったんですよ。当時、ファッションとしてね。



Alexander McQueen is a fashion designer who inspired me back when I was in high school or so. I didn’t really enjoy his skull motif as a fashion statement, at that time. However, things has changed when I saw this T-shirt someone was wearing with a skull motif in paisley or some other patterns on it. I thought it was REALLY cool. It is not often that a motif that one did not admire much back then, could actually turn 180 degrees to become something likable at the first glance.

From there, I got a little interest and started looking into the brand. When I was like “Oh this is cool” or “What’s the brand?” and check the tag, then it was Mcqeen. That’s kind of how I got into fashion.

Then I wanted to study in the UK, where McQueen was based at. So studying there in the UK started from me being just a huge fan like a lot of other people.

🟢What is your reward?


For me, drawing itself has always been the biggest reward. So even now, drawing feels quite close to being a reward. As for the work aspect, if I consider “art creation” as a reward, then I think of “art activities” as my job. This includes updating my social media, accounting, administrative tasks, and everything else. These are all necessary activities to make a living from my art. Other than drawing, I consider all of that as work. Since drawing is my reward, it feels like I receive a reward almost every day.

🟢The Journey to Okuda’s recent art style

本当に子どもの時から、これは本当に物心つく前からなんですけど。個展とかに保育園の先生が来てくれたりするんですよ。その時に言われるのが、「セミの翅描いてたね〜」とか「蝶々の翅描いてたね」とか。「カナブンの裏側描いてたよね」とか。それは自分自身も記憶にあって、木の木目を描いていたりとか、ものを描く時にディテールを描くタイプだったんですよ。もしくは規則性が無くても、細かくて綺麗だなと感じていて、”細かい+綺麗” をセットにしちゃってて感覚的に。



その時描いてたものが既にあって、それがこの後ろにある様な”線画”で。そこからプロとしてやっていくとなった時に、徐々に作品に課題が生まれるわけですよ。今まで好きで描いてたから課題なんてないじゃないですか。その最初の課題に直面したのは、活動して2年目くらいの時にたまたま香港に1枚だけ作品を持って行ってくれるギャラリーがあって、初めて海外に作品が行くから僕も是非行こうというので行った時だったんですよね。その時ちょうどART BASEL香港がやっているタイミングで。とにかく展示されている作品が大きかったのが印象的で。やっぱり細密画を描いているから個人的には細密画に目がいくわけですよ。特に細かく描いている作品に。見てみたら、でかいし細かいし。その作家をインスタとかで調べると、香港でもやってスペインでもやって、ニューヨークでもやって上海でもやって。「この細かさでそんなにやれるの?」みたいな衝撃を受けました。僕の作品は小さすぎるし、しかも年間30枚とかしか描けない。だから多作であり大作を描けないと、やっぱりこういうマーケットでは戦えないのかとその時思って。一回ちょっと自分の思った課題”多作大作”というのに向き合ってみようとその時に思いました。そこから、コロナのあの時期に何を思って何を描くかていう結構アーティストみんなそうだったと思うんですけど。それが新しい課題だったんですよね。




Since I was a child, even before I can remember, I’ve had a connection to art. My preschool teachers would come to my solo exhibitions and mention things like, “You drew cicada wings, didn’t you?” or “You used to draw butterfly wings.” They might also say, “You drew the underside of a beetle.” I myself have memories of that too; I would draw textures of wood, I definitely was the type of person who focused on details when drawing. Even if there was no specific pattern, I felt there was something beautiful and intricate, and I instinctively combined “intricate + beautiful” in my perception of virtue.

This was the same when I was a designer. Some designers focus a lot on silhouettes and forms, while I was all about patterns.

I never really had a conscious sense of “starting” to draw professionally.
I was simply drawing what I wanted, thinking, “It would be great if this was sold.” That casual beginning lead me be aware that I wanted to make art my profession.

At that time, I had already created some drawings, which were line art like what’s behind me here (in the video). And when I decided to pursue this professionally, gradually challenges began to emerge in my work. Since I had been drawing what I loved, there hadn’t been any challenges until then. I faced the first challenge about 2 years into my activities when this gallery happened to take one of my pieces to Hong Kong, and since it was my first time sending my work overseas, I decided to go along as well. It was around the time of ART BASEL Hong Kong. What struck me was how large the exhibited works were. Given that I create detailed artworks, I personally paid close attention to those intricate pieces. When I checked out the artists on Instagram, I discovered they were exhibiting in Hong Kong, Spain, New York, and Shanghai. I was shocked by the thought, “Can such detailed work be created on that scale?” My own works were too small, plus I was only able to create about 30 pieces a year. That’s when I thought that without producing larger and more numerous works, I couldn’t compete in that market. I decided to face the challenge of creating multiple large pieces.

Then, during the COVID-19 period, like many artists, I found myself contemplating what I should create. This became a new challenge for me.
As I pondered what I should be painting, I was creating various works while feeling somewhat lost. At that time, with my child being one year old and my wife at home, around 10 exhibitions were canceled due to COVID. I tend to keep a packed schedule, so all those plans were classified as “non-essential” and vanished. I thought, “This is bad.” I kept saying, “This is the worst; I can’t do this or that; this is terrible.” However, when I returned home to my child and my wife, I realized it wasn’t the worst. If I kept counting only what was lost, I would naturally feel negative, but I’ve come to realize I also had this and that; there were still things I could do. I thought, “Let’s focus on what I can do!” At that moment, I started to look forward.

As I began to move forward, I noticed that the negativity around me stood out even more.
So, I thought it might be good to turn the reason why I’m feeling positive into my artwork. It became clear to me that what seems normal is not always so. By appreciating what is normal now, I found a way to be more positive. I realized that I could express this gratitude through my art.

I believe everyone has different images and ways of expressing gratitude. For me, when I think of gratitude, I immediately think of the act of saying “thank you” while presenting flowers to express my feelings. The act of doing anything with flowers deeply resonated with me. So, I decided to create a bouquet of the gratitude I felt during COVID, gathering them from individual flowers to show to those who came to the exhibition. I hoped that by seeing my work, they would feel uplifted and motivated, just as I had found my positive motivation. I thought that was the meaning behind what I was doing, and that’s when I began painting flowers. This marked the transition of my work, leading to what has now become my representative pieces.

🟢 Thoughts on My Activities


I believe that making a living through art is an incredibly challenging endeavor, and not everyone can achieve it. Since I’m trying to earn a living with my art, it’s clear that aiming to operate at 100% is not enough. We exist in a world where breaking through limits is the norm. Therefore, I conduct my work with the mindset of balancing “creation” and “artist activities” at 100%:100%, and only now am I at 120%. By recognizing my current “position,” I strive to do everything I can to the fullest, knowing that next year, that effort will elevate my current “position” by 1.2 times. Then, that new self will return to a baseline of 1, and I will push again for another 1.2 times next year. This is the framework through which I engage in my activities.

🟢 Important Things for Okuda


If I didn’t have my family, I probably wouldn’t be able to work this hard. The effort I can put in for myself is quite limited; I could easily say things like, “It’s fine if I don’t eat for a day,” or “I don’t need to take a shower.” However, when I think about what happens if I give up and my children can’t eat, or if they can’t survive, that really isn’t something I can accept. The motivation to succeed for their sake definitely provides me with a great deal, more drive and power.

🟢 Thoughts on Future Activities


Each person is the protagonist of their own story; everyone is a main character in their own right. You can’t be a protagonist in someone else’s story, right? At first, everyone is just part of the background. What I aspire to is to not be just another background character in the stories of others, but to become someone with a significant role, an important figure in those narratives. That, in turn, enriches my own life — it’s my “main story.” I strive to be the kind of person who can make a positive impact on others, and I continue my activities with that aspiration in mind every day.



ONE ART Taipei 2025

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