【ran natsume】Artist interview
INTERVIEW 2024.11.15 - 2024.11.15アーティスト【ran natsume】のこれまでと今の思い、これからの思いをインタビューさせて頂きました。
株式会社LWArt(ロアート)では、社名の由来であるLife With Artをテーマに様々なアーティストにインタビュー協力をして頂き作品に対する思いや、制作中の拘りを語っていただき、よりアートを身近に感じてほしい、関心を持ってほしいという思いの元インタビュー企画が始動しました。
そのインタビュー第4弾アーティストとして、個展「empty」でもsold outし、今注目を浴びている【ran natsume】さんにインタビューさせて頂きました。
動画公開の記念に今回ran ratsumeさんのキャンバス印刷+手彩の限定作品を発表します。
ran natsume
Visualize the pain that everyone has, the pain that they don’t usually show, the inner pain that cannot be expressed in words.
🟢What influenced you the most?
ビョークていうアイスランド出身のアーティストがいるんですけど、彼女からもやはり影響は受けているのかなと思っていて。中学生の時に初めてビョークの曲を聴いてすごく衝撃を受けたんです。「 何だこの人は?!」みたいな。日本に生きていて、彼女の様なスタイルで自分を表現している人は見たことがなかったので、自分を表現する表現者としてすごく影響を受けているかなと、個人的に思います。
I get influenced by all sorts of things, not just by painters respectfully. My works themselves express what comes from within me. So I think a wide variety of factors have helped me shape into who I am today.
There is an Icelandic artist called Björk
I was wondering if I was influenced by her, and definitely yes. When I first heard her song in my middle school days, I was shocked. Like, “What is it about this person?!”. Living in Jagan, I had never seen anyone express oneself in the way she did. As I’m my own performer of myself, Björk has definitely given me a great impact on my life.
🟢What is your style?
My basic approach is to express my inner self from a bird’s eye view to portray the “inside” of myself. I often receive feedback that the work appears to be a bit dark at the first glance. I believe the darkness is a part of life that everyone faces in some way or another. In everyday life, we don’t often show such feelings. Such things as pain or sadness, I find it quite hard to expose. I want to leave such things as visible works of art, in the form that can be seen in this world.
🟢What are you particular about?
I didn’t go to art school or anything like that, just been loving doing something new, so I taught myself how to paint in oil.
The part I want people to see the most is the eyes. They are the most important part of my works. Art don’t have words, but as the saying goes, “Eyes speak louder than words,” so I want people to look at these very carefully.
🟢About future hope
I would like to be the one to have controls over decision making of my own deathbed and how I will die. So, as much as possible, through my works, I would like to create a lot of “proof” or ” legacy” that I have lived my life fully and to spread it in this world.